Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Visors? No Way!!

Nobody ever wants anyone ever getting hurt playing hockey. The sad part is that injuries are part of the game and that goes for any sport. Hockey however is a sport where guys wear steel blades and carry sticks. Sometimes a player is hurt but they act like they are ok just so they can keep playing. It is kind of humorous because the other day I saw a soccer game and a player acted hurt when he wasn't, the total opposite, but I am not here to take shots and make fun of other sports. 

Just last night you all must of heard by now that Marc Staal suffered a gruesome injury. It wasn't a dirty hit from behind or a high hit to the head that would cause Brendan Shanaban to get involved, it was a puck traveling over 100 MPH straight into his eye. Now when I saw the injury I really wasn't thinking about if he could still play, I was much more concerned if he will still have sight in that eye or let alone an eye at all. Staal had no chance of avoiding the shot as it was right off a face-off and happened so fast. He is out indefinitely right now and since then the team has claimed Roman Hamrlik of waivers from the Washington Capitals. Staal also missed almost half of last season due to a concussion, which ironically was due to a hit from his brother Eric.

This event however has raised the question should players wear visors? I think that wearing a visor should be the players choice. Some guys in the league are old school and if you gave them the choice they wouldn't even wear a helmet. Other players would say that they cannot wear a visor because it gets in the way of their sight paths. Of course the NHL would want to mandate the rule making everyone wearing a visor because an injury causing a player to loose an eye would be devastating to the game. 

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